20 May 2008

random visitor

3:05 a.m.

Me: "Shay. Wake up. Someone. Knocking. I don't want to answer it." (How dependent I've become in a few short years....)

Shay: [mumbling and dragging himself to the door]... [looking out peep hole to see a strange woman dressed like an 80s punk rocker, only with more piercings]... [warily opening door]

Scary stranger, quietly: "Are you Nate?"

Shay: "Nope."

Scary stranger: "Oh."

Shay [in his head]: But if I were, would we be moving on to some sort of illegal transaction right now?

Scary stranger: [already getting in her car to drive away]

You know what? I don't even want to know what that was about. But it was mildly entertaining to speculate and laugh about it for the next half hour, until we finally got to do what normal people do at 3 a.m. - you know, sleep.


Holly said...

Was the previous owner of your house a drug dealer or something? Creepy!

Heidi said...

i used to do everything on my own, but now, after having been married for not even 8 months, i find myself doing the same thing... "luke, there was a strange noise, go see what it is..." luke then grabs his chinese dagger as he walks out into the family room... oh, the shampoo fell into the tub. oops!

Lisa Johnson said...

Great Story! I love that the lady just walked away. I would've spent a good 5 minutes apologizing!

lex said...

Holly - previous residents were a sweet mormon couple with twin baby boys. Assuming (hoping) it had nothing to do with them.

Heidi - crazy phenomenon, isn't it? I used to be a designated killer of spiders and occasional fixer of plumbing problems. Now after having a manly man around for a few years, I forget that I was ever capable of such things.

Leese - I too thought an apology or explanation would have been in order. But no. It was, "Oh." And then she was outta there.