13 May 2008

finals week widow

Shay has been busy with school these last weeks of the semester, and he still has a few more days to be holed up studying and translating things and writing papers before he can come out and play again. I, on the other hand, am getting down to a point where I am deliciously un-busy, and I want to celebrate that fact every single day. The timing is not good. It takes extraordinary amounts of self-control for me to leave Shay alone and let him work. It doesn't help that he prefers to study and work at home. Every day I'm hard pressed to come up with things to do that keep me entertained, but are not so enticing that Shay will be tempted to join me. A few things I've tried so far:

* Watching movies that Shay doesn't like. Unfortunately it turns out he doesn't dislike them as much as he professes to, because sometimes he still chuckles at the funny parts. From the office. I hear him and I yell, "Am I distracting you? Or is that journal article just a riot?"

* Getting the heck out of the house. This seems an obvious solution to our problem. I tried this on Saturday, and I came back with two pairs of shoes, two shirts and some shorts. So it's effective. But it could get expensive.


Catlin said...

Good luck to Shay! And to you! I don't think our route to NYC goes through Kansas... too bad. We are missing you guys!

Min and Mary said...

Lex, were you English sterling scholar or something? I love to read your posts--such a story-teller you are! Oh, and I hope you don't mind me posting a hyperlink to your blog on my own...I'm still not sure about proper blog etiquette. Does it mean you have to visit my blog? Boring. Does it mean that we were best friends in high school? Um, I don't even remember what classes we shared, so probably not. I just really like you, the more I read about your life. Shay's okay too...but that's only what I gather from your writing which could be one-sided if you're wearing those wifely rose-shaded glasses. BTW what is Shay studying? Good luck with finals and whatnot. Personally, I prefer the un-busy life as well. Mary

Karen Ruth said...

So, I think Adam and I are in the same boat you and Shay are. Many nights this week I have watched movies on my laptop with headphones, only to have him continually come in the room behind me. And don't get me started about the expense of leaving the house - it's ridiculous how much I can find that I like! Oh well, summer is almost here.

Heidi said...

luke and i started dating last year only about 2 months before i graduated, which was extremely distracting. he didn't have the self-discipline like you do.. and if you need a shopping buddy, give me a call!

lex said...

New commenters - yay! Welcome.

Cat - we miss you guys too! NY will be such an adventure. We'll visit.

Mary - you're sweet and I'm flattered. Shay is working on a PhD in history, focusing on eastern Europe. He wants to be a professor and researcher.

Min and Mary said...

Shay the scholar. Hm. I'm not completely convinced. Could you post a pix of him pouring over books and wearing glasses to help me visualize? Good luck [in the not so distant future] writing grants to fund your eastern European vacations...er, I mean research.