01 August 2008

it must be just me

Here is what I learned today:

If a friendly sales associate calls you from Borders on Friday August 1 at 8:30 p.m. and says,

"Hi, the book you ordered has come in and you can pick it up any time."

...and you say, "Great, what time to you close tonight?"

...and she says, "Actually, there's a special event at the store tonight, so we won't close until after 1:00 a.m."

...and you are thinking, "Perfect, since I can't get there at a decent hour but I really want that book in my eager little hands!"

...do not take the bait.

Do not go to Borders at 11:00 p.m. unless you are prepared to witness female hysteria the likes of which you have not seen since the New Kids on the Block were cool the first time.

How was I to know that the "special event" was a midnight-release party for the latest book in the Twilight series? Apparently I have not been checking the countdown widgets on all the Mormon mommy blogs frequently enough, because I was caught completely unaware. It was like stumbling upon a party that all your friends were invited to except for you.

I won't knock the books because I haven't read them. But I'm not really interested in reading them, in the same way I'm not interested in reading the collected works of R.L. Stein. They just seem kind of... meh. So I'll admit I'm baffled by all the hysteria surrounding this series. I can understand the teenage girl response, since the books are clearly targeted to that audience, but why are so many adult women blogging about their deliciousness, and camping out at Borders for the latest installment? If you are a fan, what do you love about Twilight? Help. Me. Understand. Please.

And if you are not (yet) a fan, would you please just tell me so, so that I don't feel so utterly alone?


TPlayer said...

The funny part is...I literally just got back to my parents' house after being at the release party at Rainy Day Books in Kansas City. My sister-in-law is one of those women. (She even made a t-shirt). It was a pretty meh party to say the least. We got in line right at midnight (the Royals game went later due to fireworks Friday) and basically we just waited to walk in and pick up the book.

I read Twilight and I'm still in the middle of New Moon (My life got really busy and I'm feeling no rush to finish it soon). I had mixed feelings about Twilight (but I think a lot of that was because i was having mixed feelings about relationships in my own life at the same time as I was reading it). So in all fairness, I can't be a fair judge. It's definitely written as a completely true representation of the crazy female mind when it comes to boys. That, I will admit, I enjoyed, because it helped me realize I am not alone in the world of having a roller coaster of emotions. But part of me is kinda annoyed by Stephanie Meyer. I had a long talk with best friend who is an avid reader, and she is NOT a fan of the books. She feels like it is pretty much a Mormon version of a romance novel, except rather than keeping it clean like Charlie or those other cheesy book, it takes it just far enough to entice feelings and let the imagination/fantasy make up the rest. Oh dear... but that's just jhr opinion, not mine (as of now)

Heidi said...

this part made me giggle: "...in the same way I'm not interested in reading the collected works of R.L. Stein." hee hee

i haven't read those books and they're not at the top of my list for reading any time soon, but my brother-in-law came to stay with us this week and brought the first book with him. i was only kind of shocked...

Heidi said...

I am with you Lex. The hysteria is baffling, but also slightly entertaining to watch from the sidelines. All the ladies at my school were extremely into these books, therefore I heard - without prior consent - a play by play everyday at lunch. I think they seem pretty out of control - and bordering on what they shouldn't border on - if you pick up what I am throwing down. But, I am also not a completely fair judge having never read them (unless you count the ladies who told me all about them) but isn't there something to being a discerning judge and knowing you would never need to read them just by virtue of what you already know? Oh and PS this is Heidi Draper since I noticed another heidi posting. :)

Melissa Scott said...

well hell, i'm an outcast on this blog today, because I have read all of them and really like them. I tried hard not to join the hype, but I figured, "hey" its not like the whole world is obsessed for nothing. Anyhow, i am no twilight crazy person, but i did like them and am going to read the next one and probably see the movie. Its unexplainable for sure though!! By the way, what is a "Mormom mommy blog" anyway?

Loni said...

I use to feel the same as you. I had no desire to read a teenager's book about vampires. Really doesn't sound entertaining does it? But my sister left the first book at my house. I like to read a little bit before going to sleep, and when I finish a book, it's not always the easiest thing for me to "run" down to the library and get another one, so I decided to read Twilight. I do have to say I am a fan now. It's not as focused on fantasy as one would think. Maybe it's because I have a boring life, but try reading it and not falling in love with Edward. I do recommend you try it thoug, you may be suprised.

Holly said...

I actually refuse to read them because they are so popular. I did buckle under Harry Potter hysteria after the 5th book, however, so hopefully I can go strong on this one. It sounds really stupid to me, but everyone I've talked to loves the books.

KT said...
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KT said...

Hi, Britnay just made a reference to your post about Twilight, and since I never miss an opportunity to trash this series, I thought I'd make a comment, too.

Don't. Waste. Your. Time.

I can not understand the hype, the books were AWFUL and incredibly cliche. Stephanie Meyers is not a great writer; and I can't figure out why people can't see that (unless they don't read much themselves, or can't distinguish between a good book and a really crappy one). I started to read the first one and about choked on my own vomit before I was half-way through it.

Seriously, don't read the books. You'll never get that time back.

Tamarynn Leigh said...

Haven't read them, but I have had TONS of friends and family tell me I simply have to. We'll see...it's not something on my priority list.

Kim said...

I've got to comment and say that I side with Melissa! I wasn't going to read them because I try sometimes to be too cool for things that are cool, but I did it, I read them. And no, they are not literary gold and as an English major I still cringe to think that I enjoyed them as much as I did, but I did. And I think it was for exactly that reason, they aren't literary gold. You don't need to choose different literary theories to analyze the book as you read it - you can take it for what it is - an interesting story! That is, if you aren't "too cool!" ;)

Melissa Scott said...

Wow! this is a harsh blog these days for sure. Lex, maybe you should choose a new topic to blog about, because this whole "Twilight" topic has everyone pulling out their swords. Lets all take a chill pill and read what we want or i guess what makes us feel the smartest.

Anonymous said...

I think it hilarious how people get all worked up about books and their releases. I have not read the Twilight series and they are not on my list of "must reads". But I was a fanatic when the whole Harry Potter thing was going on, so I'm not in any place to comment on the craziness. I do find it hilarious, however.

lex said...

Hot topic, eh? Listen, no one need be apologetic for liking the books they like. But I do like hearing different views about Twilight. I'm sure the books are a fun, easy read, which is honestly what a girl wants sometimes. I'm just trying to figure out why some fun YA novels are just fun YA novels, but why THESE particular novels are a phenomenon, complete with fan clubs that will attack you at Borders if you look as if you are trying to butt in line. I'm sincere when I say, I want to know what people love about these books. I'm curious.

p.s. - I was too cool for Harry Potter also. But then I read like 5 of them a couple of years ago and thought they were all kinds of fun. So I guess for me it's easier to enjoy something without the hype. Yep.

Crystal said...

Love the RL Stein reference! Pretty sure I read several Goosebumps books in 2nd grade.

I read the Twilight books a few years ago, before all the hype. At the time I thought they were fine, neither here nor there. But all they hype has seriously turned me off 100% to them. They really weren't THAT good.

Lisa Johnson said...

Here's what I thought was good about the book.

The following thoughts are my own opinions and do not reflect the opinions and thoughts of everyone I've ever known."

1. It is an easy read, like Kim said you don't have to be all smart to read and enjoy the series.

2. I love the relationship between Edward and Bella. It's a cheesy thing, but they remind me a lot of me and Joe. They are so funny together, so opposite, and yet so perfect together it's not even funny. I swear Joe and I have had some of the same fights (obviously not about him being a vampire though).

3. I love the fact that the suspenseful moments made me want to continue reading. Some books that I read don't have the pull that I felt in this one. Heck, I loved "P.S. I Love You" but it took me months to read it because it didn't capture my attention like this book.

4. I'm with Loni, try not to love Edward.

My opinions, take them leave them. I'm not going to be joining the fan club any time soon, but they were just what I needed at this point in my life. Enough drama so I don't need any real drama in real life, and a fun love story to follow.

Natalie said...

This really is a hot topic! I've read them & I really enjoyed them. I was surprised, because I'm not a big fantasy buff (I never did read the Harry Potter series...so this was a stretch for me). I don't think Stephanie Meyer is a crappy writer, but I do think she drags on a bit...that would be my only complaint. While I wasn't busting at the seams counting down the days for the 4th book release, I am looking forward to reading it when my obsessed sister is done with her copy. Give it a try...you may be surprised. If you don't like the first book, then don't finish the rest. But you'll never know unless you read it yourself.
It's a shame you didn't read them while Shay was gone - that could have kept you busy! I bet you are anxious for him to be home!!!

Robin said...

Come on, I really think you should give the Goosebumps series a chance. There are some great works of literature in there.